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Company profile

About us


Yasuro Nishikimi
President and CEO

Challenges of Nishikimi Chuzo is never-ending.
“We want the whole world to know the greatness of casting iron products.” That’s our goal as a casting company who has grown and advanced with cast iron products.
We realized that we need products that customers can directly touch and feel, and thus our highest quality casting technology created the “Magic Frying Pans.”
We will continue to innovate and develop technology and expand the horizon of casting products to be the company needed by many people in the world.

Company Information

Company name
Nishikimi Chuzo, Co.
September 1, 1989 (founded in 1960)
C apital
10 million yen
President and CEO
Yasuro Nishikimi
Office and factory address
262 Oaza Sakae, Kisosaki-cho, Kuwana-gun, 
Mie 498-0811, Japan
0120-893-114 (Toll free)
Phone:0567-68-2812 FAX:0567-68-2813
Factory floor dimension
1,650 square meter
Main distributers
Tokyu Hands, Mitsukoshi Isetan, Anlet
Main manufactured products
Frying pans, Peking woks, vacuum pump parts
Creditor bank
Shokochukin, Chukyo Bank